Marita Blog

School Year 2016/2017

Marita lecturers held 90 workshops on the prevention of drug abuse during the academic year 2016/2017. These were attended by a total of 3,640 pupils. We were very pleased that the pupils took the workshops seriously and were keen to ...


School Year 2015/2016

During the school year 2015/2016, Marita lecturers held 98 workshops on the topic of drug abuse prevention, attended by a total of 3,100 pupils. We are especially pleased with the high level of their interest in this topic, as well ...


Prevention in the Municipality of Odzaci

Marita lectures are currently being held throughout the territory of the municipality of Odzaci. We have great support from schools and professional associates as well as media support. Thank you! Article at the local radio station website:


First Part of the School Year 2015/2016

In the first part of the school year 2015/2016, we held 44 workshops for the prevention of drug addiction in schools in Subotica and Novi Sad, attended by 1,190 pupils. We also had the opportunity to participate in the project ...


November 2015

During November, we held lectures for the prevention of drug addiction for all pupils from the 6th to the 8th grade at elementary school “Branko Radicevic” from Novi Sad and elementary school “Danilo Zelenovic” from Sirig. When asked, “Which drug ...


Leiv. O Holstad’s Visit

We are happy to have our founder and the president of the Marita Foundation in Norway, Mr. Leiv O. Holstad, as our guest. After a successful meeting with Norwegian Embassy about the possibility of their supporting the prevention project in ...


Training for Prevention Workshop Leaders

During his visit to Serbia, Mr. Leiv O. Holstad, held a training for prevention workshop leaders. We are glad for everyone present and we hope that their life stories, interwoven through lectures about the consequences and harmfulness of narcotics, will ...


Conference on Philanthropy

Marita volunteers at a conference “Building a Culture of Philanthropy”. We would like to thank the Center for Proactive Business – Biznisnova for inviting us!


Youth Camp “Camp without Borders”

A few days ago, we held the first lecture on the topic of prevention of drug addiction at the youth camp “Camp without Borders” organized by the Provincial Secretariat for Education. We are very satisfied and we would like to ...


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